As we value our customers and wish to ensure all complaints are dealt with in a fair and reasonable manner, we have a complaints procedure in place. It provides a structured approach to handle complaints and ensures National Power and Gas is consistent in servicing customers who have reason to complain.
Step One
You can make a complaint in writing, by email or by telephone. If you are writing or emailing your complaint please provide your telephone number if a response by telephone would be convenient. If you are emailing, please state if a reply by email is required and, if not, please provide a full postal address.
- In writing: Customer Services, National Power and Gas, Customer Services, Avon House, 435 Stratford Road, Solihull, B90 4AA
- By Telephone: 0800 160 1001
- By Email: (Please include ‘Complaint’ in the title of your email)
Step Two
We will provide a substantive response to your complaint, outlining what we have done in response, and any outstanding actions and related timescales, within 14 working days of receiving it. Our objective is then to ensure you are kept fully updated as we work to resolve your complaint.
Step Three
dissatisfaction and include your customer reference in your
Step Four
If matters still cannot be resolved you can contact the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB). The Citizens Advice consumer service provides free and independent help and advice to small businesses on energy issues from contract issues to making a complaint or advice if you’re struggling to afford your bills.
Visit the ‘Know Your Rights’ publication for more information:
You can consult the Citizens Advice Bureau at any stage in the complaints process.
Contact the Citizens Advice consumer service on 03454 04 05 06 or visit
Step Five
If you still remain unsatisfied with the response to your complaint, and we have informed you that we can take no further action, or 8 weeks has passed since you originally told us about your complaint, you have the right to contact the Energy Broker ADR Ombudsman Scheme. The Ombudsman is there to help resolve disputes between energy suppliers and their customers. It is free to use their services, and they are totally independent – so they do not take sides, and make their decision based only on the information available. Their final decision is binding on the energy supplier, not the customer.
The Energy Ombudsman can be contacted as follows:
- Post: PO Box 966, Warrington WA4 9DF
- Telephone: 0330 440 1624
- Fax: 0330 440 1625
- Website:
- Email: